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Instagram: @erdgeschichten



Popular scientific blog

Follow me on my German popular scientific blog! I write about my own research and other paleontological, geological and environmental subjects.

Public and invited talks


  • Abel, P. 2024b. Als Krokodile Flossen hatten: Das Meereskrokodil im Heimatmuseum Ebermannstadt [When crocodiles had fins: the marine crocodile at Heimatmuseum Ebermannstadt]. Kulturkreis Ebermannstadt.
  • Abel, P. 2024a. Die Meereskrokodile im süddeutschen Jura [The marine crocodiles from the Jurassic of southern Germany]. Steigenclub, Museum am Löwentor, Stuttgart.


  • Abel P. 2021b. The temporal region in the tetrapod skull: Research history, evolution, and functional morphology. Edinburgh Vertebrate Palaeontology Research Group, University of Edinburgh.
  • Abel P. 2021a. The temporal region in the tetrapod skull: Research history, evolution, and functional morphology. Seminar Vertebrate Paleontology, University of Bonn.


  • Abel P. & Gebelein D. (2017) Das Meeresreptil in Ebermannstadt: eine erste wissenschaftliche Beschreibung [The marine reptile in Ebermannstadt: a first scientific description]. Treffen Nordbayerischer Höhlenforscher, Troisdorf.